Food Holidays in October

The month of October has a lot going for it. There’s Oktoberfest celebrated in Munich, Germany, as well as Halloween, heralded on the 31st in the United States and, to a growing extent, across the world. October also marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month to commemorate the fight against the second-leading cause of death among women. But are you in the […]

What We’ll Miss Most About Summer

I hate to break it to you, folks, but we’re nearing the shelf life of summer very rapidly. In fact, we’ve got just a week to go before autumn descends upon us, with its fresh, brisk air; colorful foliage; and shorter days. Question is, will you mourn the end of the sunny season? Those hot, stuffy days that only an […]

Staying Slim and Slender This Summer with Bitfood

One of Lebanon’s biggest natural treasures is the Mediterranean Sea, which borders the entire length of the country’s west coast. And the Lebanese sure love their beaches! As early as April and as late as October, they can be seen frequenting the seashore, slathering on sunscreen (or gobs of tanning lotion), and slugging back a bottle of beer as they […]

Discovering New Cuisines with Bitfood

You knew that you could order and deliver deliciousness from the Bitfood app with just a few simple clicks. But did you ever think you could become an expert on the international cuisine afforded by the Lebanese food and beverage scene? While we wax poetic, bust out your smartphone, launch the Bitfood app, and hop on to this magic carpet […]

A Crash Course in the Bitfood App!

Bitfood presents a fast, easy and effortless way of ordering from restaurants, thanks to a wonderful smartphone app available on iOS and Android. Start by creating a profile, using the GPS locator to set your delivery address. Then search for restaurants nearby, filtering by customer rating, cuisine, and/or food type. Select your item, tailoring it precisely to your preferences. Specify […]

Spring is in the Air and in our Fare!

In Lebanon, perhaps the shortest-lived season is spring. Fresh, crisp air; clear blue skies; moderate temperatures perfect for outdoor activities; birds chirping cheerfully…it’s absolutely idyllic, but you have to exploit it, for summer comes more swiftly with each passing year! Spring is also a time for a vast array of fresh produce, from artichoke and beetroot to strawberries and rhubarb. […]

Lent-Friendly Meals for the Holy Season

The Lenten season is in full swing, which for fasting Christians translates to meat-free meals and abstinence from indulgences. Our Mediterranean cuisine is rich in fresh vegetables and legumes, fitting even a vegan’s diet effortlessly! And fortunately, a number of restaurants throughout the country introduce Lent-exclusive meals and items in an effort to cater to those observing. We at Bitfood […]

Mardi Gras Food Traditions

If you’re looking for your next cheat day, Mardi Gras, or “Fat Tuesday” in English, is your ultimate option. In fact, the day exists purely in celebration of food and drink before the austere Lenten season sets in. This year, Mardi Gras falls on March 5, when thousands of tourists will descend upon New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA), heralded worldwide for […]

7 Dieting Myths Debunked

Do you realize we’re already nearing the end of January? Just yesterday, we were bidding farewell to 2018, ushering in 2019, and dreaming up impossibly far-fetched resolutions. How’s that gym membership going? Did you shed 10{083e89c1cf3043eab891d93e33328d40e004afc9fc2041790bc0e648c7962721} of your body weight yet? Many of us are probably in the diet zone, struggling to achieve a beach body in time for the […]